Introduction to Anna.
Anna has a minimal grid layout with an awesome & big header slider. It’s perfect for all type of bloggers.
- Plenty of color options; change the background, title, description, buttons and much more.
- Huge header with automatic slideshow.
- Twitter and Instagram widgets.
- Show/Hide the avatar, title, description, links and tags.
- Share buttons and notes on each post.
- Social links.
- Easy change any font (Headings, Body, Description & Slider Titles) by typing the font name you want.
- Type your Disqus username if you want people to comment on your posts.
- Type your Google Analytics ID if you want to know about your page traffic.
- Fully responsive.
- All posts supported.
Theme support:
Theme Author: MNMLStudio
Creation Date: 2017-07-11T02:57:30+10:00
Last Update: 2017-09-05T21:53:07+10:00